
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

¡Viva la furia roja!

It might be a little bit early to claim a complete victory but I am definitely beating jet lag right now.  And it's not because I slept on the flight over here.  There's just too much to do and see to be tired.

After landing yesterday, Elena and I went grocery shopping.  Later we walked around the touristy area near La Plaza del Sol.  My foreignness didn't stick out quite so much amongst all of the other tourists.  After some exploring, we went to the Madrid church's midweek service.  Everyone was extremely welcoming and loving and super patient.  They let me practice my Spanish with them, which is at a much lower level than their English is.  I'm very grateful for their encouragement and kind corrections when I speak.

Today was a full day as well.  I got to spend time with Sandra, Andrea, Carlos and the other Carlos.  We hung out in El Parque de Juan Carlos I, a beautiful park.  I had great conversations all day and Carlos even gave us a little lesson on Philippians 2:13-14.  I enjoyed getting to know these awesome people. :)

Now I'm preparing to watch the game tonight: the Iberian derby.  It's going to be so fantastic!! ¡Viva la furia roja!

Sending love from Spain. <3

P.S. The first batch of photos are up:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Is this real life?

Writing a blog is kind of intimidating.  These words are available to be read by an infinitely large audience.  That's a lot of people.  But if they can encourage someone, somewhere, at some point in time then I'm happy to write them. :)

Nothing interesting travel wise to report.  I'm packing and still can hardly believe that I'll be in Madrid in just over 29 hours.  It all feels like a huge sleep adventure (aka sleep walking) right now.

Prayers for safe traveling tomorrow would be awesome.

Love you all!