
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


"No hay dos sin tres" was the motto of the tournament for the supporters of La Selección.  And with a squad that plays as well as that, how could it not be true?  The Spanish team was stunning against Italy.  It was definitely a showcase piece for the tournament and a well deserved win for Spain. 

I got to watch the game on a TV here at the camp in Guadarrama with all of the people who are camping here (a large crowd).  The joyful celebrations that followed each goal and at the final whistle were awesome.  Everyone was living the game with the team.  When they say "Somos tricampeones" it's because they are a part of the team as well.  They can claim a part in the victory.  The team is inseparable from the people and the people are inseparable from the team.  I love the unity.

Continuing on the subject of football... I learned yesterday that the best way to make friends with seven year old boys is to play football with them.  The boys that are camping with us always want to play football: before breakfast, before class, instead of swimming, before lunch, after lunch until dinner, when it's dark and cold, etc.  Yesterday they dragged me into goal.  With much coaching from them I was at least able to stop a few shots and make some friends.  The patience and love of these kids challenges me to grow in these areas.  I am inspired by them and can't wait to see what else they teach me.  I can't believe I've only been at camp for 48 hours.


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